学术报告 第3期
题目: [International Young Scholar Forum第3期] Pairing mechanism, pseudogap, and non-Fermi-liquid in unconventional superconductors: quantum Monte Carlo and field-theory studies
时间: 2020年07月16日 10:00
地点: Tencent Meeting
报告人: Dr. Zixiang Li

University of California, Berkeley / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Unified understanding of high-Tc superconductors, including both copper-oxide and iron-based materials, remains one of the most important challenges in modern condensed matter physics. It has been highly desired that unbiased theoretical and numerical approaches with no uncontrolled approximation can be developed to address key issues such as pairing mechanism and the nature of pseudogap in high-Tc superconductors. In this talk, I will discuss our recent progresses in understanding pairing mechanism, pseudogap, and non-Fermi-liquid behaviors in unconventional superconductors, utilizing approximation-free quantum Monte-Carlo calculations and other analytical approaches. I will first discuss our recent quantum Monte Carlo and field-theory studies on unconventional superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behavior emergent from doped valence bond solid phase, which shares many important properties with superconductivity in doped resonating valence bond (RVB). Then I will present our theoretical calculations about exotic superconducting fluctuations in overdoped cuprate, regarding recent ARPES experiments. In the third part, I will discuss pairing mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity in single-layer FeSe/STO material. Lastly, I will discuss potential future directions in this research field.

Brief CV of Dr. Zi-Xiang Li: 

Dr. Zi-Xiang Li got his Ph.D degree from Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Hong Yao. Currently, Dr. Zi-Xiang Li works as a Gordon and Betty Moore Postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Prof. Dung-Hai Lee’s group. Dr. Zi-Xiang Li’s research interest lies is exploring strongly correlated systems and topological matters. Recently, he focuses on quantum phase transition and critical point, unconventional superconductors, interaction effects and Majorana zero mode in topological phases and sign problem in quantum Monte-Carlo simulation.

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Contact: Shujuan Cui (崔书娟)

Email: sjcui@iphy.ac.cn

Tel: 82649894


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Password: 0716

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