题目: [软物质与生物物理实验室系列学术报告(174)] Physical constraints of living systems
时间: 2024年06月14日 10:00
报告人: 林杰



In this talk, I will explore how physical constraints, like pressure and density, affect living systems. I will delve into various examples, including protein diffusion at the molecular level, cell-size regulation at the single-cell level, and tissue morphologies at the population level. My aim is to illustrate the influence of physical laws on biological functions and demonstrate how living systems can overcome these constraints.


2007-2011, B.S. in Physics, Fudan University

2011-2016, Ph.D. in Physics, New York University

2016-2020, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University

Current position:

Assistant professor at Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies.

PI of Center for Quantitive Biology.

PI of Center for Life Science.

