中关村论坛 416
题目: Molecules at work: From precision chemistry to molecular assemblers
时间: 2023年09月11日 09:30
地点: 中国科学院物理研究所M楼236会议室
报告人: Professor Harald Fuchs

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster


Harald Fuchs is a Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Münster, Germany. Fuchs’ research activities focus on science and -technology. His group has published more than 700 peer reviewed papers and has submitted 58 patent applications. 
H. Fuchs received a number of awards as and prizes, among them the 2020 International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of China, and the Chinese Friendship award. He also received the German 1st class Federal Cross of Merit in 2009 and several technology transfer prizes. H. Fuchs is an elected member of the German National Academy of Science ‘Leopoldina’, the German National Academy of Science and Engineering 'acatech', and TWAS.


On-surface precision chemistry performed with low-temperature STM and AFM allows to develop unique chemical reaction schemes such as orthogonal- and surface catalyzed reactions with are not achievable with conventional liquid- or gas phase reactions. Beyond a number of useful on-surface reactions including polymer formation etc., we found a fascinating new and powerful route of on-surface chemistry which allows to set up a novel strategy for the generation of intelligent functional systems. N‐heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) are binding covalently to a single noble metal atom e.g. on Au(111) surface. Depending on the type of their N-ligands, NHCs the are essentially immobilized vertically by a single surface atom, forming unidirectional rotators, or are able to fully pull a single atom out of the surface and then travel on this newly formed ad-atom in the so-called ‘ballbot’- motion type across the surface. We discovered that on an Au(1x2) reconstructed surface ballbot-NHCs are able to autonomously re-organize the surface atom by atom in a ‘swarm-like’ manor. Recent experiments revealed the possibility to generate linear polymer-NHCs using halogenated ballbot NHCs.

邀请人:杜世萱(8264 9823)

联系人:胡    颖(8264 9361)
