题目: [理论室报告] Dynamics of strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose gases
时间: 2024年11月01日 15:00
报告人: 郭彦良

Innsbruck Universit



In this talk, I will report on two sets of experiments.  In the first, starting from 2-nK samples in a compensated flat-bottom optical trap, we observe many-body dynamical localization in a 1D quantum under quantum kicked rotor (QKR) setting [1] as the interactions are tuned from zero into the Tonks-Girardeau (TG) regime. After some initial evolution, the momentum distribution freezes and retains its characteristic structure as the sample is kicked periodically hundreds of times. In contrast, for random kicking, the distribution becomes uniform and loses all structure.

In the second set of experiments, we study impurity transport for strongly interacting impurity atoms through fermionized bosons. We measure the momentum relaxation time as we vary the initial momentum and the interaction strength for abruptly “injected” impurities. For adiabatic following of the ground state we find that smoothly moving impurities develop anyonic properties. We have observed that the momentum distribution of impurities changes from bosonic to fermionic, as the mean momentum varies from zero to Fermi momentum for the fermionized gas.

[1] Observation of many-body dynamical localization, Y. Guo et al., arXiv:2312.13880 (2023)


郭彦良目前是因斯布鲁克大学Hanns-Christoph Nägerl教授小组的博士后。他曾于武汉大学和里昂第一大学(法国)获得学士学位。随后他于巴黎综合理工学院光学学院获得硕士学位(2017年),并在巴黎第十三大学的Hélène Perrin教授指导下获得了博士学位(2020年)。他的研究兴趣主要集中在超冷原子实验和量子模拟。在博士期间,他研究了气泡阱和环阱中超流体的旋转以及失重情况下在气泡阱中的BEC。在因斯布鲁克做博士后期间,他专注于低维量子气体研究,包括由二维到一维的维度过渡、杂质在一维强关联系统的动力学、一维可调相互作用气体的量子踢击转子(quantum kicked rotor)和量子混沌等。
