题目: Symmetry and many-body topology in quantum matters
时间: 2023年12月29日 10:00
报告人: Dr. Sheng-Jie Huang

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

腾讯会议ID:  622-606-329



Symmetry and topology play crucial roles in characterizing and classifying quantum phases of matter. Many quantum matters can be characterized by how symmetry is implemented and its intricate interplay with the entanglement structure in many-body wavefunctions. Recently, remarkable progress has been made in generalizing the concept of symmetry and elucidating its connection to topological defects. This advancement has propelled the study of symmetry and topological defects to the forefront, reaching beyond condensed matter physics into mathematics, high-energy physics, and quantum information science. In this talk, I will introduce a general framework to classify and characterize topological phases with crystalline symmetry as networks of topological defects. This approach provides a simple physical picture for crystalline topological phases and enables an understanding of various characteristic boundary properties, including higher-order topology. I will discuss how this framework can help in the search for topological superconducting materials. Additionally, I will delve into recent advancements in our understanding of generalized symmetries, topological defects, and their connection to logical operations in topological quantum error correcting codes. Finally, I will discuss the recent progress on a holographic principle for generalized global symmetry, which provides a unified theoretical framework for gapped and gapless phases of matter.

Brief CV of Dr. Sheng-Jie Huang:

Sheng-Jie Huang received his PhD degree in physics at the University of Colorado Boulder in 2019, supervised by Prof. Michael Hermele. He was a Joint Quantum Institute Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Maryland from 2019 to 2022. Since 2022, he has been a postdoctoral researcher with a Guest Scientist Scholarship at Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems at Dresden, Germany. He is broadly interested in condensed matter theory and its connections to quantum information science. His work mainly focuses on developing new theoretical frameworks to classify and characterize topological phases of matter, finding realistic quantum materials, and studying applications to topological quantum computing.

主  持  人:周    毅   研究员

联  系  人:傅    琦(82649469)